On 08/20/2013 12:27 AM, ProgrammingGhost wrote:

Is it possible that if I just try to compile 1 file it could imports
enough libraries that import/need the definitions for additional large
libraries which in turn also imports everything causing ram issues? I'm
sure in practice this will almost never happen. But I don't doubt there
are main libraries that use other large libraries and everything
imports/uses everything

The compiler only has to pull in what is indispensable for semantically analyzing an imported module as far as to determine all relevant type signatures. So while it should be possible to create a project as large that the complete annotated syntax tree exhausts your RAM (projects are not that large in practice), it still would require careful construction of dependencies in order to actually exhaust RAM during separate compilation. (And it is much easier to do so by other means, eg. by instantiating templates in a loop.)

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