BCS wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
>> I actually started sketching out a possible installer a few weeks ago.
>> Here's what I came up with:
>> First of all, you can't include DMD itself in the installer since the
>> license doesn't allow for this.
> with Walter's blessing you can. Tango goes this way.

But technically, the people who download it then can't redistribute it.
 I just think it's simpler to have the installer download the zip file
itself and avoid the problem in its entirety.

(Incidentally, I actually already have permission from Walter to
redistribute DMD; a professor at uni wanted to take a peek so I put
together an installer.)

>> As for using an installer "tool", I don't think that's really
>> applicable for something like this.  I say write it in D because
>> otherwise we'll have people saying that D sucks because we don't use
>> it.
> Um, I've got to say I think you are wrong on this. Installer tools will
> cut the effort to produce this by like 90%. I'd rather see that time
> spent on just about anything rather than using D just so we can say we do.

I've never met one that could do the sorts of tasks I'm proposing.  If
such a tool does exist, then fantastic; let's use that.

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