Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
2009/6/29 MIURA Masahiro <echocham...@gmail.com>:
Yigal Chripun wrote:
do not tell other people what to think and what to write. this is not
china and you are not the great firewall.
grow up.
Apparently you don't share Jarrett's consciousness of the problem
that more important issues are left undiscussed.

Exactly.  It's not necessarily that I have a problem with people
discussing int.nan.  It's when people are discussing int.nan to death
when _there is a very real possibility that D has no future_.  And
when people bring up valid, uncomfortable truths and the resulting
discussion instead degrades into random, minor issues that have
nothing to do with the original post.

People tend to ignore problems that haven't touched them personally. Maybe they will fix themselves?

My view is that Jarrett wasn't trying to firewall anyone, but rather point their attention at more important issues that relatively fresh D users choose not to see. The same issues are making some long-time D users think about giving up. I'm not only talking about Jarrett. Stay for a few whiles to D-related IRC channels and you'll see more instances of this case.

Please don't confuse these voices with the usual trolling/complaining D newcomer with their "omg but D doesn't offer anything more than C++ and it's not evolving at Warp 7!!!11eleven", like "superdude"'s recent post. The folks I'm talking about have invested considerable amount of time in D and simply wouldn't like to be on a sinking ship. They probably love D and see no real alternative to switch to, which makes them even more frustrated :P

And well, "Pick one of the items you find the most interesting, and work on it!" doesn't apply e.g. to improving Walter <-> Tango communication.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

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