On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 15:52:26 UTC, Bruno Medeiros
On 13/09/2013 08:46, eles wrote:
On Saturday, 7 September 2013 at 19:05:03 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's not clear to me what any of these measures would help with.

Glad that you answered.

It will help with:

1) people already contributing to the D chains generally use
github, so they are familiar with the workflow, the interface,
the code-review etc. This will increase the probability to
contribute with a PR, even if for small glitches (or
documentation) in the beginning (BTW me, for one, I find the
interface on code.google to be awful at best, when compared to

2) people that are in the D community know about Eclipse/DDT.
However, those passing by and wondering about what the D language
means, *and* are Eclipse users, they tend to not really know
about it. Having it officially endorsed, visible on the download
page and so on, will help them in using it (and, with a bit of
chance, contributing to it).

As a sidenote: we use a lot Eclipse/CDT when working in C/C++,
but with an external Makefile. You have best of two worlds: an
IDE, and an autotools/make integration. Let's not even speak that
the Makefile itself is just a shell around scons/SConstruct.

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