On 2013-09-20 13:30:15 +0000, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> said:

On 2013-09-20 13:46, Manu wrote:

Good to know it has been done elsewhere.
Can you recall any ways in which it was unreliable? How did you use it
in XCode?
In VS, you break/pause somewhere, make some code changes, and then when
you press F10 (step), or F5 (continue), it takes a few seconds
(building), and then it just continues with the new code. Pretty much

I just found this: http://injectionforxcode.com/

Yes. They're doing it using the Objective-C runtime ability to change at runtime the pointer to methods while the older Fix-and-continue stuff was doing pretty the same thing using a special linker (ZeroLink) that actually links things lazily at runtime.

Michel Fortin

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