Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> I swear if I didn't know anything about the feature and saw the syntax
> "case a: .. case b:" I'd know exactly what it does in a millisecond. Why
> would the syntax seem inconsistent to new D users? First of all,
> inconsistent with what? And how would you treat the issue differently?
> Andrei

I think something that might help is if you started using the syntax
like this:

> case a:
> ..
> case b:
>     blah

Now it's clear that it represents a sequence of case labels where all
but the first and last have been elided VERSUS representing a case label
where the label is a range.

I get the sneaking suspicion that the major problem people have with the
syntax is that when you write "case a: .. case b:" all on one line, they
treat it as the latter when they should be thinking in terms of the
former; the various suggestions that have been made would seem to
support this.

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