Walter Bright wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Walter Bright<> wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
If it's internal to the parse tree can't you make the syntax whatever you
Something like (expr1 __exprSequencer expr2) should do just fine, right?
No reason it has to be a precious one-character symbol syntax.
What if you're writing a program that generates D code?

If you're generating code which is so tricky that it needs to rely on
comma expressions,

Writing code that requires that "A" be executed before "B" is not tricky or unusual.

then I doubt it will be something that users will
be expected to read and/or edit.  In which case, again, it doesn't
matter how ugly the syntax is.  "__exprSequencer" would do just fine.

Making D metaprogramming spectacularly ugly will not help bring metaprogramming to the mainstream and will drive away the kind of people who can create fantastic metaprogramming applications.

Is the comma operator used in any of the metaprogramming of phobos? Or Tango? Or anywhere else?

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