On Sunday, 10 November 2013 at 18:14:25 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
Yeah, and they hopefully don't use Gentoo... maybe it is time
to drop that version if it causes trouble. I'll try to have
at least an dmd-1.076 ebuild though. It is also a good test
for the whole multiple versions at once idea.

See, this is one of those times where it might have been nice if D2 had gone with dmd2 for its binary name. Regardless, if you want to support D1, make it a slot, and mask it for all arches-- we don't exactly want to encourage its use at this point, IMO. This would be in the same general vein as dev-lang/dmd-bin (in the main tree, but terribly out-of-date).

Now, if it does get installed...an idea, though not a great one: If you look at mplayer and mplayer2, they both install roughly the same stuff to the same locations in their default distribution. i.e. the binary is called mplayer in both the original and the fork. So what happens in media-video/mplayer{,2} is mplayer2's stuff is renamed to match the $PN and there's an IUSE+=" symlink". The symlink flag causes portage to install symlinks to the original mplayer stuff for transparent compatibility with various frontends and other stuff.

Too many smilies, hehe. Well, it should be possible to have at
least one installable version of every package at any time.
Unless that package hasn't been updated for 10 months or so.
I don't want to run into a situation where you can't update
dmd because some application isn't updated or where I do
update dmd early and D programs can't be installed any longer
until they work with that latest version of D.

My understanding was we were fixing the soname versioning for phobos, so this should theoretically be caught by @preserved-rebuild or revdep-rebuild. Was I incorrect?

Yep. I thought of it as an opt-in symlink in case dmd isn't
installed, so it could be emulated with gdmd or ldmd2.
/bin/dmd -> /usr/bin/dmd might also be an option for that...
Nah, I'll see what might be required by some tools.

I wonder at what point a d.eclass needs to be made to negotiate all of this; I'm really not sure. On that note, you may want to watch out for degenerate cases like packages trying to select a preferred compiler, just in case.


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