Le 14/11/2013 13:03, Russel Winder a écrit :
Has anyone done any work with QML and D?

Gustavo Niemeyer is creating a QML package for Go and it is already
getting a lot of traction.

I have a little pet project where I am comparing PyQt5 and Go, and I
would like to try using D as a third variant, but I don't wan't to have
to use Gtk for the D version I want to use the same UI for all variants.


What do you mean exactly by same UI? Same QML files directly?

Because it's hard to port/Wrap Qt to D, I am working on a project that is based on QML principles (Property binding, Components,...). It's called DQuick.

It's only a prototype for the moment, and it will certainly never compatible with QML files. But if you are only interested by property binding and the composition system of QML, DQuick will make you happy.

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