On 2013-12-03 17:55, Manu wrote:

C++ support in D is 'not complete', but what's there now is still very
important and not considered a bad partial feature to have.
I'd imagine that likewise, if the 'core' of Obj-C support is solid, then
maybe it's worth it in the same sense?
OSX and iOS are 2 of the most popular platforms on earth. The mobile
space is probably the most important prospective target for D.
I can't comment on the state it's in. But if what's there is solid and
useful like the current C++ support, then it's an important start...?

I agree but Michel has a point as well. Walter, I think it was, has also said that D will never have complete support for C++ because that will require to build in a C++ compiler in the D compiler. That's not something we would like to do.

Objective-C, on the other hand, would be much more realistic to add complete support for.

You can always help if you like :)

/Jacob Carlborg

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