On 2013-12-02 14:27, Michel Fortin wrote:

Also, there's some parts of the syntax I'd likely want to revise given
that D has UDAs now. Would it make sense to merge changes to the parser
just to roll them back later?

That's true, and no, we don't want to roll them back later.

I'm usually quite adverse about releasing unfinished features or
products, which probably explains why *I* wouldn't merge. Although I
obviously won't oppose it being merged if someone wants to. I'm just not
sure it is worth the trouble for the core team right now given the lack
of some key features.

I understand that. Although I think it's still usable as it is. It's so cumbersome and verbose to use Objective-C libraries from D that I think it's worth adding these features, even they're not complete.

/Jacob Carlborg

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