Le 10/12/2013 03:54, Manu a écrit :
On 10 December 2013 11:42, deadalnix <deadal...@gmail.com
<mailto:deadal...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Sunday, 8 December 2013 at 05:37:09 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

        Or maybe this is just another one of those cultural old age
        Has the term "refactoring" shifted to mean "variable renaming"
        among the
        younger coders these days? Genuine question. I'm baffled that
        these two
        things could even remotely be considered similar things.

    Refactoring is changing your code, without changing what it does. It
    is done in order to make your code easier to understand, more
    maintainable, more testable, or whatever.

    Both extracting some code into a function and renaming a variable
    are refactoring operations.

With effective semantic analysis, there are many useful refactoring
tools that become possible.
Renaming things is the simplest and probably most common, so it's
usually a good starting point.

Other possibilities for instance:
  * Not just renaming functions, but changing it's signature in general.
If types are changed, then some handling likely needs to be performed
(or at least alerted) at call sites
  * Renaming modules (required when moving source files within the
source tree); update imports, etc.
  * Reordering function parameters automatically reorders terms supplied
to calls of the function (how many times have you wanted to reverse 2
function parameters, and they've both been int? impossible to update all
references without error)
  * Assignments to delegates may automatically produce an appropriate
function stub, along with typical function name
'On[event-name-being-assigned-to]() { }' or whatever is conventional,
and proper parameters
  * Hilight some text, 'refactor into own function' can move a block of
selected code into a separate function, and correctly update the call
site with the appropriate call, automatically adding function parameters
for previously referenced local variables (seriously, how many times
have you done this, and then carefully had to chase up the locals that
are referenced to build the parameter list?)
  * In addition to the prior point, scan for additional instances of the
code you just refactored, and offer to also replace with calls to the
new function (again, properly hooking up arguments)
  * Auto-magic @property/accessor generation from member variables
  * Auto-magically produce stubs for methods declared in interfaces
  * And many more possibilities...
  * Produce tools to statically encorce project coding standards; ie,
produce red underlines beneath terms in the editor that don't conform to
project standards
  * Add/Remove import automatically
  * Underline in red errors without compiling

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