Am 12.12.2013 21:08, schrieb H. S. Teoh:
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 08:57:42PM +0100, Max Samukha wrote:
On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 17:56:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

11. inline assembler being a part of the language rather than an
extension that is in a markedly different format for every

Ahem. If we admit that x86 is not the only ISA in exsistence, then
what is (under)specified here is a
platform-specific extension.

I've always wondered about that. What is D supposed to do with asm
blocks when compiling for a CPU that *isn't* x86?? What *should* a
conforming compiler do? Translate x86 asm into the target CPU's
instructions?  Abort compilation? None of those options sound
particularly appealing to me.


I already argued a few times here that although inline assembly seems convenient, I do favour the use of external macro assemblers.

There will always be some ISAs that are more special than others. So I rather have clean higher level code that drops out to assembly, that having version() for each processor and lack thereof.

So far I have only used dmd, but as far as I know both gdc and ldc don't follow the same asm syntax anyway.


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