On 13 December 2013 06:08, H. S. Teoh <hst...@quickfur.ath.cx> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 08:57:42PM +0100, Max Samukha wrote:
> > On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 17:56:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> >
> > >11. inline assembler being a part of the language rather than an
> > >extension that is in a markedly different format for every
> > >compiler
> >
> > Ahem. If we admit that x86 is not the only ISA in exsistence, then
> > what is (under)specified here http://dlang.org/iasm.html is a
> > platform-specific extension.
> I've always wondered about that. What is D supposed to do with asm
> blocks when compiling for a CPU that *isn't* x86?? What *should* a
> conforming compiler do? Translate x86 asm into the target CPU's
> instructions?  Abort compilation? None of those options sound
> particularly appealing to me.

It occurs to me that a little sugar would be nice, rather than:

else version(ARM)

Which appears basically everywhere an asm block does. 'asm' could
optionally receive an architecture as argument, and lower to the version

else asm(ARM)

(The 'else's in those examples seem unnecessary)

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