
Trying to use "std.file.slurp" as generic file loader,
I encountered a quirk in the way formattedRead works compared to the (standard?) scanf.

It seems using "%s" format does not stop at whitespace if the "%s" is the last item in the format string.

A simple comparison would be:

-- in C --
char a[100] = {0};
chat *input = "hello world 42";
sscanf(input, "%s", &a);
-- in D --
string a;
string input = "hello world 42";
formattedRead(input,"%s", &a);

In "C", the variable "a" would contain only "hello";
In "D", the variable "a" would contain "hello world 42";

If the format string would be "%s %s %d" (and we had three variables), then "formattedRead()" would behave exactly like "sscanf()".

Complete code to illustrate the issue:

-- scanf_test.c --
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
        const char *text = "hello world 42";
        char a[100] = {0};
        char b[100] = {0};
        char c[100] = {0};
        int pos=0;

        sscanf(text,"%s %s %s", &a, &b, &c);
printf("reading all-at-once: a='%s' b='%s' c='%s'\n", a,b,c);

        sscanf(text,"%s%n", &a, &pos);
printf("reading first word: a='%s' (remaining text='%s')\n",a,text+pos);

--- formattedread_test.d ---
import std.string;
import std.format;
import std.stdio;

void main()
        string a,b,c;
        string text = "hello world 42";
        formattedRead(text,"%s %s %s", &a, &b, &c);
writeln("reading all-at-once: a = '",a,"' b='",b,"' c='",c,"'");

        text = "hello world 42";
        formattedRead(text, "%s", &a);
writeln("reading first word: a = '",a,"' remaining text='",text,"'");

The output:
$ gcc -o scanf_test scanf_test.c
$ ./scanf_test
reading all-at-once: a='hello' b='world' c='42'
reading first word: a='hello' (remaining text=' world 42')

$ rdmd formattedread_test.d
reading all-at-once: a = 'hello' b='world' c='42'
reading first word: a = 'hello world 42' remaining text=''

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