On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:53:11 -0400, Michiel Helvensteijn <m.helvensteijn.rem...@gmail.com> wrote:

D has the old C style block comments that start with /* and end with the
first possible */. But it also has nesting block comments, starting with /+
and ending with the *matching* +/.

The nesting block comments were a great idea, since they can be used
to 'comment out' any block of code, even if other block comments are
already present.

I was wondering, though. C++ compatibility aside, is there an actual use
case for the C style block comments anymore? Has anyone here written some
code lately where they thought: "I really need a comment here containing /+ or +/ without the matching delimiter! Thank <deity> for C style comments!"

(Yes, this is bikeshed stuff, and I don't really care. I like programming
language syntax discussions. Sometimes they are low barrier discussions.)

Well /* */ are excellent for toggling code sections. I tend to use constructs such as // */ or //* or /*/ which allows me to turn on of off blocks with often a single key stroke. Using /+ +/ means I have to Add /++/ and remove /++/ each time I want to activate or deactivate a code block.

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