On Monday, 6 January 2014 at 16:52:50 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:
If the ultimate goal is a high-level, idiomatic D library for people who are not necessarily experienced in CG, then shouldn't we start with the
high-level interface and work down?  That way the end-result

I don't disagree with this, but in reality most graphical applications are simpler if you decouple the world-model from the visuals and hence input from output and generate the visuals from scratch for every frame. Cocos2D is a popular library that maintains graphical state for you, but if you want to decouple the model from rendering you end up syncing two data structures which in the end is more work.

I think most successful libraries are focused and do one thing really well, so suggesting dependencies:

- vec: SSE tuples with swizzle
- geom2 depends on vec: basic geometry
- geom3 depends on vec (and geom2): 3D geometry
- spatialcollections depends on geom3: acceleration data structures

- gpu depends on vec: DX/GL abstraction with shader support
- textureloader depends on gpu: loading jpeg/png into gpu memory with caching - texturerender depends on gpu, geom2,svgpath,image loader: render to texture

- svgpath depends on geom2: implements all svg path primitives + transformations - fontreader depends on geom2, svgpath: reading font+metadata + generating paths - fieldfont depends on fontreader, svgpath: creates signed distance field textures - simplepostscript depends on svgpath: for building pdf/drawing on canvas2D

- input: cross platform solution for input for various devices (might look at marmalade and other cross platform engines for ideas)

- canvas3D depends on canvas2D, geom3, spatialcollections, texturerender/loader,input
- canvas2D... etc

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