On Tuesday, 7 January 2014 at 13:18:51 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
The difference might be in that DX is huge framework, and vendors effectively write small "core" for it.

I think this is all just a misunderstanding. Adam probably just meant that DX drivers are being updated automatically by Microsoft while you have to download the GL drivers yourself. But I never meant that the graphics library should expose GL-only functionality...

With GL the balance could be the other way around, but GL doesn't try to be all of the many facets of the multimedia in the first place. (and now with DirectCompute I'm not even sure what DX wants to be actually)

Yes, and I think this is a very good point for why the reference implementation should not be in DX. You risk ending up with all other platforms having to implement DX components that are not in GL (and there is a lot of them).

E.g. in GL you cannot do anything without writing your own shaders and there is no notion of 2D-anything… Many of the GL calls and parameters are actually also legacy calls so the REAL OpenGL ES API that you are likely to use is quite limited and bare bones.

Another reason I've already mentioned is to test feature coverage/performance on multiple platforms which only OpenGL ES enables.

Yet another reason is to allow/encourage as many as possible to dabble with the API early on to increase the usability of it. Which actually might be the most important aspect.

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