On Tuesday, February 04, 2014 16:18:24 Steve Teale wrote:
> Popped into my head today.
> What proportion of the D community develops on Linux of some
> sort, and what proportion works with a 64 bit OS?

64-bit Linux (currently on OpenSuSE, though I was on Arch for quite a while)

> And why?

Because that's what my desktop is and the environment that I prefer to have 
for my computer in general (with KDE). 32-bit should just die at this point 
IMHO (though it'll probably be a while before that happens), and I only deal 
with Windows if I have to and have no interest in anything from Apple, so I'm 
not going to be on either Windows or Mac OS X. Out of the supported 
environments, that only leaves FreeBSD, and while I could presumably get that 
pretty close to what I'm used to on Linux, I also see no point in messing with 
it over Linux other than to mess with it for the fun of it. So, I'm on 64-bit 
Linux almost all the time, including for anything I do with D.

- Jonathan M Davis

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