On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 00:10:13 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
But the fact that you're even asking the question shows that you have a very
different world-view than I do with regards to computers.

- Jonathan M Davis

Jonathan, I find your response distinctly elitist.

I certainly do have a different world view. I live in Africa where most of what you can get is probably old stock that got dumped here. Of the last 3 2G memory cards I bought, 2 were duff, and that's at $50 apiece, and little chance of getting your money back.

Even when I got two that worked, my motherboard could only support 3 of the 4G, even though the processor is quite capable.

We're stuck with 32 bit for a long time here, and telling us to get into the 21st century doesn't help much.


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