On Friday, 7 February 2014 at 15:40:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Friday, 7 February 2014 at 12:17:42 UTC, Chris wrote:
Just out of interest, is there a way of capturing keystrokes in D?

This isn't so much a D question as a C one - the operating system's C api will give a way, then you use those same functions in D.

If you want input from your own terminal, my terminal.d might help. See the demo main here:


It captures as much info as possible in real time, optionally including window resize events, mouse motion and clicks, and key presses. (Also key releases on Windows, but such information is /not/ available on Linux.)

Ctrl+x keys are sent as as low ascii values. Ctrl+a is cast(char) 1. Ctrl+b is cast(char) 2. Ctrl+c is sent as cast(char) 3 (though note control+c is captured by the OS and sent as an interrupt signal instead - my lib can catch that too). and so on through Ctrl+z which is 26.

You can get more information by doing a GUI program but then you'll have to do text output as gui too, so not as easy as cli. Of course, you could write a terminal emulator and have the best of both worlds... i've done it :)


But I think terminal.d is what you want.

Now, if you want to capture input from ANY window, not just your own, on Windows you can use the API to capture the keyboard, on X you can listen to events on the root window, and on Linux you can also read /dev/input to get raw keyboard events (if you like, I have a small lib that can help with this too). Note that reading /dev/input needs your program to be root.

I just had a look at terminal.d. Great stuff. It works, though it sometimes stops working and gives me this exception (after killing it with Ctrl+C):

object.Exception@terminal.d(814): write failed for some reason

There is a syntax error on line 54;

version = Demo

should be

version = Demo;

I'll have a look at your other stuff too, it looks very interesting.

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