bearophile wrote:

> Michiel Helvensteijn:
>>I don't know a compelling use-case either. But that doesn't mean there
>>isn't any. Nor are there any real dangers. Arbitrarily restricting the
>>possibilities of D doesn't seem like the right way to go.<
> Adding random features to a language just because they look cool is a
> terrible thing to do.

This was about overloading &&, || and !, right?

It's not a random feature. It's a logical consequence of the operator
overloading system. Leaving them out is arbitrary. You will never convince
me that a potentially useful feature should be left out because it could
potentially be abused.

By the way, I did think of a compelling use-case just yesterday. Boost has a
three-valued bool type. true, false and maybe. Seems pretty logical to
overload the boolean operators for it.

Michiel Helvensteijn

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