"Bruno Medeiros"  wrote in message news:ldfpa7$27s3$1...@digitalmars.com...

There is not a chance in hell DMD would sucessfully be adapted for these purposes. Maybe as fork, but not as the main stream. Even as a fork I hardly see it happening (The Descent IDE went with this route but it the semantic engine was buggy and quickly became very hard to maintain.) The reasons are manyfold and I'm not going into detail, but suffice to say a semantic engine for an IDE needs to be prepared to run in an interactive/deamon mode to have a decent performance, not in batch (run once) mode like a compiler. This adds several constraints and requirements to the semantic engine architecture, something that DMD is not prepared to. It would take a large engineering effort to adapt it to that, and crucially, Walter would have to be involved, but he has his hands full already.

I disagree, this is 'the plan'. Please, go into detail, I would love to find out about any roadblocks I've overlooked now rather than later.

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