On 19/02/2014 16:03, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"Bruno Medeiros"  wrote in message news:le2i5p$28g5$1...@digitalmars.com...


I know that a lot of work needs to be done before the frontend is ready
to be efficiently used as a library, but that doesn't make it impossible.

But anyways, those are secondary points actually. What I think is
really crucial, is that we don't have a main-stream compiler in D.
When DMD gets ported to D, and the main development of DMD happens
there, in the D version, then I'll believe a reasonable
compiler-as-library could happen.

I think you may have missed something!  This is coming in the near future.

I have been working on automatically converting the DMD fronted to D
since dconf (and before).  I've produced working compilers on win32,
linux32, and linux64, with the other platforms currently lacking only
because I don't have a box set up for them.

The only outstanding work for dmd is fixing layout and
commenting/formatting issues in the generated source, which I am slowly
getting through.

I expect any issues encountered with the other platforms to be minor,
and hopefully switching gdc and ldc will be fairly painless too.

I'm hoping 2.066 will be the first D-based dmd release and work on the
C++ source will cease immediately after that.

I'm glad to hear that, that sounds very promising. Especially since dogfooding the compiler has great importance that goes beyond just the compiler-as-a-library goal.

I think DMD will get there eventually, but... you think it will come as soon as the DMD 2.066 release already?? As in, the official DMD, not a fork. Walter and Andrei have said they are on board with that?

Also, Ian raises a good point, what will happen to GDC and LDC once that switch happens? They are both very important projects to be left hanging in the rain.
Bruno Medeiros

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