OT: Do you realise how harsh your posts often appear to people? I often find I need to restrain myself when replying to your blunt dismissals of
peoples opinions/suggestions.

So, you admit that this is a disaster site, but are reluctant to consider
what good may come of it?
I'm not suggesting to move the rubble around a bit, I'm suggesting a missed
opportunity to build something new and useful from the rubble.

There are like, 5 control statements in the language; if, for, while,
foreach, switch. To trivialise their importance is surprising.
switch is basically the same in D as in C, which kinda finds a purpose here and there, but it's built on a rubbish foundation. I can imagine switch (or something like it) being _extremely_ useful to address whole new classes of problems (like match in rust and others) if it were just a little bit less
And it is shit, it's barely better than C; it's verbose, nobody knows how to format 'case' statements, it always seems to violate formatting standards whenever it's used (disagrees with all code everywhere else),
programmers always seem to disagree on how it should be.
In my opinionated opinion, it always seems to look ugly, and unnecessarily

The ugliness of the syntax makes it an unattractive choice for application to many problems where it may have otherwise been applicable, simplifying code, and making the code more readable and understandable at a glance. The switch statement was obviously initially designed to improve clarity; anything that can be done with a switch statement can easily be done with a series of if's (if you love squinting at comparative conditions and constant repetition of the terms being compared), and it probably did
improve clarity, in 1970's...
But I think we could do much better, and offer an interesting and useful construct that could be used to clarify code in far more locations than it
ever sees use today.

And do you realise that every sentence in your post is matter your your persona taste. It is extremely subjective, and you provide no proof that majority of people who are interested in all this share your opinion, do you? Do not get me wrong, I am not defending Andrei here (he can defend himself better than me). It is just shocking sometimes what kind of non-sense is posted here.

Let me dodge back few quotes of your post back at you to think about what I said in the paragraph above:
1) "built on a rubbish foundation"
2) "less shit" (no comment here...!)
3) "nobody knows how to format 'case' statements" (well, if you do not know, there are people who do)
4) "The ugliness of the syntax" (again your own taste)

If you scan your own post(s), you will find many examples of what I am saying. This attitude of yours won't get you far.

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