I have a proposal. The idea isn't new and is perhaps a bit boring, but 

In the newsgroups there are many comments like: "Can't just Phobos 
disappear?" and similar. From other side the .NET Framework has a dull 
name, but everyone can tell you that this is _the_ framework for the .NET 
languages. No mistakes here!

And now the idea: why not name the standard D library after the language 
itself - "D Framework"?

I can contribute the dframework.org domain. IMPORTANT! I can transfer it 
to whoever wants to own it! So, Walter, just give me a sign.

I dream about a modern, multi-platform framework for D. I dream about a 
tiny Runtime which can be used in embedded systems and a rich, modular 
framework that can fulfill programmer's needs. You may call me a dreamer, 
but the .NET Framework makes .NET successful... And it doesn't matter how 
nice the language is, but without libraries you are always at reinventing 
the wheel...

I love to hear your thoughts.

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