On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 06:36:33 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sun, 2014-02-23 at 19:53 +0000, bearophile wrote:
Russel Winder:

> Those in the Python side of the game disliked C and C++ co > much they created abstractions, ending up with NumPy, > Cython, ShedSkin,

Unfortunately ShedSkin is now essentially dead. And Julia could replace Python in some usages, because of its performance.

ShedSkin certainly isn't keeping up with the programme and working with
Python 3 so I have never tried it.

Julia is a system I keep up with, it is splendid. And there is even now
a London Julia user group.

User group activity is likely a measure of involvement: Java and JVM technology groups have no problem having meetings with attenders. Go went from 20 → 120 attenders per month in a year. Python has activity.
Julia has a new user group.

I suspect D has no user group activity because it is a 10 year old language very few people have heard about. It needs a marketing reboot so as to be new and exciting and attract people to attend meetings.

I've been mainly working with python at work for the last ten years, in aeroengineering. We've built some very large and interesting GUI and non-GUI engineering tools. On the back of that experience I've looked around for languages that address the problems we found (mainly startup speed and lack of static typing with tooling around that) and I ended up here with D.

We use numpy, scipy, vtk, Qt and CAD kernel software extensively.

From my personal perspective I've noticed a really heavy focus here on C++ refugees - that's just an observation, not a criticism. For instance, there are sometimes questions about what to use as a Set. The answer revolves around how only an incompetent doesn't pay attention to exactly what sort of set they need. However, from a python programmer's perspective we just want a Set to hold a dozen objects, I don't care if it takes 1 nanosecond or 1.5 nanoseconds to run. Set also reads better that RedBlackTree etc.

So, I think that D has a lot to offer those wanting to move on from python. With that in mind I'd like to see the equivalent of numpy/scipy etc. for D. At the moment that's just wishful thinking though (IMHO) because it's the people, drive and experience to actually build those tools that is required, and that's really hard to come by.

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