On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 18:11:52 UTC, bossfong wrote:
As a "new kid", I'm really baffled by by how much discussion in the developers scene is done in mailing lists. I strongly believe that mailing-lists are not suited for heated discussions on very specific issues. I even belive it's counter-productive when comparing the discussion flow with modern forum software. By modern forum software I mean discussion centric software like disqus[1].

My appeal is it to switch to a more modern forum software (even though I value really much, that the current webforum is implemented in D).

Is there anything specific holding us back?

Many core contributors, as well as Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu, communicate using news and email software (using the NNTP server and mailing list gateway). It would be unreasonable to ask them to switch. This forum was created as a compromise, as it provides a forum-like interface for those who prefer one, without dividing the community.

Which Disqus features would you like to see in the forum interface?

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