Walter Bright:

The argument for final by default, as eloquently expressed by Manu, is a good one. Even Andrei agrees with it (!).

The trouble, however, was illuminated most recently by the std.json regression that broke existing code. The breakage wasn't even intentional; it was a mistake.

Making final by default is a intentional and planned change, first you introduce "virtual" (it's already present in dmd 2.066alpha), then you give a warning, and then you deprecate things, and then later you generate errors. This gives time to people to fix the code. Even languages far older and far more widespread than D change, like the nullptr of C++ that replaces the 0 as null pointer. People that use D for production code should expect to give a look at the changelog every time a D version comes out and fix the code accordingly. I am keeping a large amount of D2 code updated and introducing the usage of "virtual" in my code will take an amount of time that is little compared to actually writing new code, refactoring code for other purposes, fixing bugs, etc. I don't think you can write D code today and expect it to work perfectly years from now. You have to keep your code updated or keep using the same compiler version.

We can introduce ways to better manage the change, like the "deprecate" keyword, introducing a refactoring tool like the one in Go language, and keep some backwards incompatible changes that the community and you regard as sufficiently important (like deprecating some usages of the comma operator, etc).

I don't even care much about "final by default".

Also in D there are several features that are "going to be deprecated". Like old style operator overloading, the built-in sort, and more and more. Keeping such things in the language for years without even a deprecation messages is bad. In the D.learn newsgroup I keep saying to people "don't use that, it's going to be deprecated". People use those things and if someday they will get actually deprecated they will cause a damage, perhaps comparable to introducing final by default. So please add deprecation messages now for all things that should be deprecated.


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