On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 00:34:22 UTC, TJB wrote:
On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 00:14:11 UTC, Daniel Davidson wrote:
On Friday, 21 March 2014 at 21:14:15 UTC, TJB wrote:

I see that you will be discussing "High Performance Code Using D" at the 2014 DConf. This will be a very welcomed topic for many of us. I am a Finance Professor. I currently teach and do research in computational finance. Might I suggest that you include some finance (say Monte Carlo options pricing) examples? If you can get the finance industry interested in D you might see a massive adoption of the language. Many are desperate for an alternative to C++ in that space.

Just a thought.



Maybe a good starting point would be to port some of QuantLib and see how the performance compares. In High Frequency Trading I think D would be a tough sell, unfortunately.



Why a tough sell?  Please explain.


Well, I am a fan of D. That said, there is a ton of money that goes into the HFT low latency arms race. I felt they were always willing to spend whatever it takes - but they had to make choices. First, I know for several firms there was a history the C++ vs Java back and forth until it was clear that the lowest latency systems were C/C++. The difference was attributed to many causes, but garbage collection always came up as a big one. I think just that association of C++ beating Java because of garbage collection will be enough to prevent many HFT shops from considering D for a long while, even if you could get rid of the gc entirely. Additionally, many of the advantages firms get come from dealing intelligently with the kernel and lowest level networking techniques which implies expertise in C and that often comes with a well-deserved pride in knowing how to make things run fast in specific ways. Further they are pushing even lower into custom hardware which is expensive. With the money to throw at it and the various alternatives to choose from there is a go big or go home mentality. They are not as worried about how fun it is to code in, how ugly your templates are, or how it might take longer to do something or to build something.

I agree if you could get the finance industry interested in D that would be great. These are just my opinions and I left HFT a couple years back now. But, in this field, to expect a firm to get behind something like D you would need demonstrable improvements in performance irrespective of cost to develop. If they can do equivalent or better performance in C++ with more time to develop - then C++ still wins. Now if D can actually beat C++ significantly in quant programming performance things might change. Do you have ideas on how that could be done?

If you consider automated, black box trading, most firms roll their own options infrastructure and these days QuantLib would not make the cut. But if you could demonstrate same functionality with improved performance by using D you could make a case.


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