On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 14:33:02 UTC, TJB wrote:
Well, I for one, would be hugely interested in such a thing.  A
nice D API to HDF5 would be a dream for my data problems.

Did you use HDF5 in your finance industry days then?  Just

A bit. You can check out some of my C++ code generation support for hdf5 here: https://github.com/patefacio/codegen/tree/master/cpp/fcs/h5

A description of the code generation infrastructure is available here:

And some python usage of tables to parse/store data for HFT analysis of potential benefits of periodic auctions as opposed to continuous markets:

Using hdf5 with tables and simple usage in C++ is very powerful. I did not do a lot with it - simple tables for writing/reading from C++. The API is huge and very old school, even with the C++ wrappers. IMHO an awesome project would be a rewrite in D that abandoned the API but provided file compatibility with cleaner access. D would be great for that.


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