On Sunday, 6 April 2014 at 02:33:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 4/5/2014 6:26 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
What if you also have a C++ foo at global scope?

It'll work exactly the same as import does.

    module cpptest;

    extern (C++) void foo();
    extern (C++, namespace = A) void foo();

    foo(); // ambiguous
    A.foo(); // works
    .foo(); // works?


    cpptest.foo(); // works?


Does these two last lines make sense?

Just as much sense as:

    module bar;
    void foo();
    .foo(); // works
    bar.foo(); // works

Namespace lookup rules would be exactly the same as for imports and mixin templates.

My main reservation against the new suggestion is that one would be forced to open a new nested namespace even when it's detrimental, because in some cases the namespace structure is already reflected in the filesystem(just like for D:s module system).

I can't assess how widespread this is globally, but at least some high-quality projects already have guidelines to use file/namespace mappings.

A random example from boost:

One can of course workaround this issue with an extra alias for every imported symbol, or use compile-time reflection to auto-generate all alias statements... (or heaven forbid, put entire boost in one file ;))

I assume the "namespace = xxx" syntax is some sort of named parameter, would it be possible to add another similar param, which only changes mangling and doesn't actually create a new scope?

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