On 2014-04-16 19:52, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

What I want is a __trait that scans for all call expressions in a
particular function and returns all those functions.

Then, we can check them for UDAs using the regular way and start to
implement library defined things like @safe, @nogc, etc. (safe and gc
are a bit different because they also are affected by built-in language
features, not just functions, but the same idea of recursively scanning
for an annotation in the function body).

Of course, this wouldn't always be perfect, separate compilation could
be used to lie about or hide annotations in a function prototype, but
meh I don't really care about that, the main use for me would eb static
asserts right under the function definition anyway.

Sounds like a job for AST macros.

/Jacob Carlborg

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