On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 06:39:45 UTC, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

The Obj-C thing as an example. Granted, it's a huge feature and
has extensive implications. The Authors have said themselves
that they agree it's not 'ready' for inclusion... so, what? It
sits and rots?  I think it needs an experimental place to live
and have people make use of it for what it is.

This bit right here reminds me of something the Linux kernel has called "staging" [1]. It's basically what you describe: a subtree within main source tree for things to be publicly available while they finish baking, with the understanding that you're going to continue working on it and hopefully get it promoted to first-class citizen.

I'm plenty vocal and active on things I do feel I know about,
but they're often pretty radical, unpopular, and rarely come
even close to turning into code. I'm pretty certain that nothing
left on my short list that I personally *really* care about will
ever get pulled, even if I did do the work.

I know I and several other people are still interested in std.simd... :(


[1] http://lwn.net/Articles/324279/

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