On 7 May 2014 03:32, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 15:52:10 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 15:48:59 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
>>> I can't seem to find simd on our dub site
>>> http://code.dlang.org/search?q=simd. Did you put it there under another
>>> name?
>>> Andrei
>> I don't think it's there. I would love if it was, it would be a great
>> addition to the D ecosystem.
> Which only confirms my suspicion that those who complain about lack of
> experimental Phobos package are likely to simply not use dub.

As I said before, dub has never even occurred to me. No windows user
is likely to naturally think to use a package manager :/
It's sitting in my phobos fork. Isn't that where everyone keeps their

If people are pushing dub, then it should really be installed with DMD.

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