On Monday, 2 June 2014 at 12:28:53 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I kind of like it. It would be nice to see examples of a couple of other pages as well. The menus are removed when the width of the page gets too small. I assume they're supposed to become a collapsed drop down menu like this: http://getbootstrap.com/examples/starter-template/

Yes, I plan to follow the usual pattern for having a drop down menu for small screens, I just haven't impelemented it yet. (Bootstrap should make this easy.)


Try that with livereload as well. For CSS it doesn't need to reload the whole page, it just inserts the new CSS.

I don't need to recompile when I make CSS changes thankfully, but a lot of experimenting with page layout means rapidly changing page content, so that means changing HTML. The problem isn't too severe, but the cycle could be made a bit tighter with automatic recompilation of diet templates, which Sönke says is possible with about a week of work or so. (Sönke is *the man* and has addressed a lot of my concerns in a timely manner in the past.)

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