Alright, here is a link to a form so everyone can vote :

Jonathan mentioned the logo doesn't make him think about D. My
interpretation of the logo is the following. It's three equal and
intertwined pieces :
- the 'three' parts represent Ds no compromise between
convenience, modeling power and efficiency. If you put the logo
aside those statements I think it's pretty obvious.
- parts are the same, meaning the language is balanced properly
with none of these properties outweighing the other ones.
- parts are intertwined (at least in the logo I prefer), each
design choice interacts nicely with the other ones.
- it has D in it, although a bit hard to see I agree.
- the logo looks sophisticated, which D is obviously.

So I think it conveys some of the ideas behind D.
Rust's logo emphasis security and strongness.
Python's logo emphasis on flexibility and malleability.
Java's logo emphasis on ... coffee breaks :)

Anyways, feel free to provide some feedback in the form, let's
see the outcome in one week.


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