On 6/15/2014 2:57 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
More to the point, one doesn't just change a logo (*). The logo is a
part of the brand and the brand is more than the logo. Although D
doesn't really have an organized brand (at least as yet), the "letter D
with two moons" red logo and the current red/brown/black website are the
closest thing to a brand D has. There is also the issue of the D stick
figure as a mascot.

Rust and Go may not have the world's best brands, but they have a more
joined up brand image than that of D. Just look at rust-lang.org and
golang.org alongside dlang.org. Creating a strong brand is not easy, and
it isn't just marketing hype; it is about looking at all aspects of
public facing material: colou?rs, shapes, images, logos, fonts, layout,
mascots, history,… A strong brand is a huge asset.

The current D logo has a lot of history and a surprising public (as in
programmer) awareness. This is an intangible asset not to be thrown

We have had proposals for a new logo, a new website. I have no problem
with this, but just as when dlang.org split off from Digital Mars, there
needs to be thought about the whole brand, especially if you want to get
traction of D usage.

I agree with Russel. I think we've had good success with the D With Moons logo, and it's use is pervasive and recognizable as being D.

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