On 25 June 2014 17:16, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> On 6/15/2014 2:57 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> More to the point, one doesn't just change a logo (*). The logo is a
>> part of the brand and the brand is more than the logo. Although D
>> doesn't really have an organized brand (at least as yet), the "letter D
>> with two moons" red logo and the current red/brown/black website are the
>> closest thing to a brand D has. There is also the issue of the D stick
>> figure as a mascot.
>> Rust and Go may not have the world's best brands, but they have a more
>> joined up brand image than that of D. Just look at rust-lang.org and
>> golang.org alongside dlang.org. Creating a strong brand is not easy, and
>> it isn't just marketing hype; it is about looking at all aspects of
>> public facing material: colou?rs, shapes, images, logos, fonts, layout,
>> mascots, history,… A strong brand is a huge asset.
>> The current D logo has a lot of history and a surprising public (as in
>> programmer) awareness. This is an intangible asset not to be thrown
>> away.
>> We have had proposals for a new logo, a new website. I have no problem
>> with this, but just as when dlang.org split off from Digital Mars, there
>> needs to be thought about the whole brand, especially if you want to get
>> traction of D usage.
> I agree with Russel. I think we've had good success with the D With Moons
> logo, and it's use is pervasive and recognizable as being D.

I forgot about these designs also:


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