On 6/15/2014 4:26 PM, Burp wrote:

  I work in the game industry so I'm familiar with this type of mindset.
Not everyone in my industry is like this, but unfortunately many are(I
avoid working with them).

  He doesn't understand metaprogramming and so dismisses it. He also
assumes C++ is all about Java style OOP, when modern style is wildly
different from Java.

  And yes the game industry will likely *never* produce its own language
or tools. Why? Because it is very short-term goal oriented, focusing
almost entirely on the current project with little thought for long term
growth. Most companies are relatively small, and even large ones like EA
are very fragmented(although EA did produce its own version of the STL).

  Basically, this guy is a *rendering engineer*, likely good at math and
algorithms, but not so hot with design.

Interesting to hear, thanks for sharing your perspective.

There's one thing I'd like to ask about though, not intending to argue, but just for clarification:

You say the industry isn't likely to produce its own tools. While I'm in no position to disagree, I am surprised to hear that since the industry is known to produce some of its own middleware. EA is said to have a fairly sophisticated in-house UI authoring system, and of course they have Frostbite. Various studios have developed in-house engines, and many of the big-name ones (ex, Unreal Engine, Source, CryEngine) started out as in-house projects.

Would you say those are more exceptional cases, or did you mean something more specific by "tools"?

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