On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 16:55:34 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Since we're on this topic, I wish somebody would review this PR:


I'm not familiar enough with algoFormat to say that I've "reviewed it." In retrospect, adding that as comment would have been better than silence.

Some of these bugs have been
around for a while, and only recently have I found the time to actually do something about it... only to get ignored. Other than some comments from bearophile, I've seen no comments from anyone else, and it's been
almost 2 weeks, so right now I don't even know what else to do.

I suspect this is one of the problems (perceived or otherwise) with the current PR process. A lot of work is just sitting there without even an acknowledgement from a bystander, so to speak, and the few that do get some attention, after comments have been addressed, continue to sit there with no indication of whether the change is unacceptable, or uninteresting, or interesting but people are too busy to look at it, or what. Sometimes I just stare at the PR page day after day asking, is something missing? Do people expect any other changes? Are people too busy to even look at it? Even a casual remark as "I'll get around to this on the weekend (or next month, or, for that matter, next *year*)" would help bolster morale significantly. Letting things sit in limbo without so much as a comment, says, intentionally or not, that we just don't care, and that's very discouraging to potential contributors.

This is exactly the typical contributor experience.

Now I'm not saying this with any bitterness, and, having a full-time job myself plus countless other responsibilities with family, etc., I totally understand that sometimes people are just too busy to respond.

It's difficult to believe that everybody is too busy to review PRs yet have ample time to invest in the most futile of forum discussions.

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