On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 15:21:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 09.07.2014 03:54, schrieb luminousone:
There is lots of missing little bits here and their, password hashing
functions that use crypt_(C) formated hashes.

I was hoping for dauth [1] to fill that gap. It doesn't use the same format, but one with the same goal. I didn't actually try it out yet, though.

There are diet/jade template bugs still, specific major problem being that use of single quotes inside of double quotes when i need to pass strings to js functions inside of js events such as onclick inside a
html tag, seems to be broken.

Do you have a concrete example where this goes wrong? I've tested both, nesting ' inside " and vice versa. Both seemed to work fine for <body onLoad=...>.

There is not common database interface for sql databases(forgivable actually), but many of the specific database libraries are messy(ddb for
example) and they are not any where near api "stable".

Support for mongo is... cute?!, don't get me wrong it has a place, for most apps it would be fine, it is however unusable for the apps i am
involved in.

Yeah, I kind of like it for its flexibility, but it's definitely not the right choice for million user web services. I'm currently looking at NouDB as another potential SQL based target.

[1]: http://code.dlang.org/packages/dauth

I specifically work with data projects involving the EPA, Utah department of environmental quality, and county emissions programs in the State of Utah.

We have a few legacy projects that sit in Oracle, And everything else sits in mysql and postgresql. We would like to get everything onto just postgresql, minus the projects we can't move out of Oracle.

Our projects are spread across php/apache, and java/tomcat. I have been working to cut down the number of different technologies we use, or atleast to dump the really big train wreck ones aka, php and mysql.

Now oddly enough because we are a center at a university, I can get away with what some might consider "experimental", and use D and vibe.d, or at the very least whenever we have a one off demo of something I could use it for that.

I have been using mongodb for a few personal projects as I wanted to learn it, I am using it from vibe.d. Our largest dataset is 1.5 million records per year going back to 1994~. Not terribly large but our clients run scientific queries on it. The queries they use pretty much preempts the use of non sql databases, so mongodb is out of the question, Tho I don't want to sound like I am being over discountive of what it can do.

I will look into NouSQL, assuming its not a memory database like voltdb, or some of the other NewSQL databases, it might be suitable.

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