On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 01:11:55 UTC, Jeremy Powers via Digitalmars-d wrote:
That's in the past. This is all about the pros and cons of changing it now
and for the future.

The main argument seems to revolve around whether this is actually a change or not. In my (and others') view, the treatment of assert as 'assume' is not a change at all. It was in there all along, we just needed the wizard
to tell us.

This is already the first misunderstanding: The argument is about whether it's a good idea, not whether it's newly introduced or has been the intended meaning since assert's conception.

The below can safely be ignored, as I just continue the pedantic

OK, but my point was you were using a different definition of undefined
behavior. We can't communicate if we aren't using the same meanings of

Yes, very true. My definition of undefined in this case hinges on my definition of what assert means. If a failed assert means all code after it is invalid, then by definition (as I interpret the definition) that code is invalid and can be said to have undefined behaviour. That is, it makes sense to me that it is specified as undefined, by the spec that is incredibly unclear. I may be reading too much into it here, but this follows the strict definition of undefined - it is undefined because it is defined to be undefined. This is the 'because I said so' defense.

Of course you can define your own concept and call it "undefined", but I don't see how it matters. The concept described by the usual definition of "undefined" still exists, and it still has very different implications than your concept has. To give a more practical example:

You're writing an authentication function. It takes a username and a password, and returns true or false, depending on whether the password is correct for this username. Unfortunately, the verification algorithm is wrong: due to an integer overflow in the hash calculation, it rejects some valid passwords, but never accepts invalid ones. The program is clearly incorrect, but its behaviour is still well-defined and predictable (overflow is not undefined in D).

Now, if the flaw in the algorithm were due to an actual undefined operation, everything could happen, including the function accepting invalid passwords. I hope it's clear that this is a very different class of brokenness.

My stance is that this new/old definition is a good thing, as it matches how I thought things were already, and any code that surfaces as broken because of it was already broken in my definition. Therefore this 'change' is good, does not introduce breaking changes, and arguments about such should be redirected towards mitigation and fixing of expectations.

In an attempt to return this discussion to something useful, question:

If assert means what I think it means (and assuming we agree on what the actual two interpretations are), how do we allay concerns about it? Is there anything fundamentally/irretrievably bad if we use this new/old definition? (Can we programmatically (sp?) identify and flag/resolve
issues that occur from a mismatch of expectations?)

My understanding (which is probably the same as that of most people participating in the discussion, because as I said above, I _don't_ think the argument is about a misunderstanding on this level):

Walter's assert:
* Expresses a statement that the programmer intends to be true. It is only checked in non-release mode. * The compiler can assume that it is true - even in release mode - because the programmer explicitly said so, and the compiler may not have figured it out by itself (similar to casts, which also express assumptions by the programmer that the compiler cannot know otherwise).
* Asserting a condition that is false is undefined behaviour.

The other assert:
* Expresses a statement that the programmer intends to be true. It is only checked in non-release mode. * Because it is unlikely that the programmer has proved the correctness in the general case, the compiler must not assume it is true unless it can prove it to be, either at compile time, or with a runtime check. Release mode disables the runtime checks. * Asserting a condition that is false either raises an error at runtime, aborts compilation, or doesn't do anything. It never causes undefined behaviour by itself.

As I already wrote elsewhere, an assert with the suggested/intended behaviour is a very dangerous tool that should not be used as widely as it is today. If the asserted condition is wrong (for whatever reason), it would create not just wrong behaviour, but undefined behaviour (as described above, not your concept).

H.S. Teoh however suggested to extend compile time checking for assertions. I believe this is the way to go forward, and it has great potential. What I don't agree with, of course, is to just believe anything in the assertions to be true without verifying it.

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