On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 18:15:41 UTC, David Bregman wrote:
On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 17:18:19 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
So from a functional perspective, assuming this is a multithreaded app, what should the procedure be when an AssertError is thrown in some thread?

afaik, AssertError works the same as any other exception. If it reaches the top without being handled, then the entire app will be terminated including all the other threads.

Except that's not really how unhandled exceptions are treated in threads. They're stored by the thread and (optionally) re-thrown in the context of whatever thread calls join, if any thread calls join at all. The assumption at the time was that the joining thread cared about the state of the thread being joined and so re-throwing the exception was a way to communicate the error to the most interested party.

So if the main thread joins a thread that terminated with an unhandled AssertError, the error will be re-thrown in the context of the main thread, which will in turn join all remaining running threads and wait for them to complete. This is the same behavior as if an AssertError is generated during normal processing of the main thread. But in neither case is the application forcibly terminated when an assertion failure occurs.

So again, my question is twofold: what *should* happen, given this new treatment for assertions, and then *how* will we accomplish this? A multithreaded process is really pretty much equivalent to a bunch of standalone processes with shared memory. There is no facility for forcing a clean termination of another thread. The best I can think of would be to assume that std.concurrency is being used for multithreading and sort things out similar to the existing LinkTerminated signaling, but looking for a reasonable solution within Druntime would be tricky.

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