On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 13:56:14 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
I suspect/hope that it won't be long before communications software is held to standards similar to telephone, which will require a huge adjustment on the part of programmers. People in this industry still tend to not think of things in terms of 5+ "nines" of uptime for their service, despite that being the expectation of their users.

Oh, just to clarify one thing though. The typical way that a lot of network services work for reasons of performance is via asynchronous event-based models (fancy versions of the Unix poll() routine). If a logic error results in a transaction failure and I can be sure that the scope of this error is limited to the state of that one transaction, I don't necessarily want to terminate the process as it will result in thousands of failed transactions. Functional languages like Erlang tend to support this model really well, because a "process" is actually just a thread of execution in the VM. The "process" (thread) is terminated and the VM soldiers on because there's no logical way for the state of the VM to have been corrupted.

I'm still unsure how I feel about D in this regard. Clients will retry if a request fails, and so terminating the entire process and failing thousands of transactions would be bad but possibly still invisible to users. At least unless the logic error occurs in a common path of execution, in which case terminating the entire process on a logic error becomes a potential attack vector to bring down the entire system.

I suspect that what I'll be doing with D is moving away from asserts and throwing Errors to give myself the latitude to handle situations in whatever manner I feel is appropriate. I'm still not sure about this, but I'm leaning towards feeling that the D approach is possibly too draconian for multi-user systems. Perhaps it's possible to split each transaction off to be handled by a separate process (via unix domain sockets, for example, or IPC), but I suspect this won't scale to the degree that's needed. This is how web servers used to work, for example, and I'm pretty sure none of them do this any more. But I want to think more on the problem, as I do like the motivation behind these rules.

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