On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 20:58:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
I do not condone adding file/line to exception *messages*. Catch blocks can print / translate those messages, which can be made user-friendly, but if the program failed to catch an exception, you're already screwed
anyway so why not provide more info rather than less?

Unless, of course, you're suggesting that we put this around every
main() function:

        void main() {
                try {
                } catch(Exception e) {
                        assert(0, "Unhandled exception: I screwed up");

In our production C# code, we had a few practices which might be applicable here:

1. main() definitely had a top-level try/catch handler to produce useful output messages. Because throwing an uncaught exception out to the user *is* a bug, we naturally want to not just toss out a stack trace but information on what to do with it should a user encounter it. Even better if there is additional runtime information which can be provided for a bug report.

2. We also registered a top-level unhandled exception handler on the AppDomain (equivalent to a process in .NET, except that multiple AppDomains may exist within a single OS process), which allows the catching to exceptions which would otherwise escape background threads. Depending on the nature of the application, these could be logged to some repository to which the user could be directed. It's hard to strictly automate this because exactly what you can do with an exception which escapes a thread will be application dependent. In our case, these exceptions were considered bugs, were considered to be unrecoverable and resulted in a program abort with a user message indicating where to find the relevant log outputs and how to contact us.

3. For some cases, throwing an exception would also trigger an application dump suitable for post-mortem debugging from the point the exception was about to be thrown. This functionality is, of course, OS-specific, but helped us on more than a few occasions by eliminating the need to try to pre-determine which information was important and which was not so the exception could be usefully populated.

I'm not a fan of eliminating the stack from exceptions. While exceptions should not be used to catch logic errors, an uncaught exception is itself a logic error (that is, one has omitted some required conditions in their code) and thus the context of the error needs to be made available somehow.

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