On Sun, 05 Oct 2014 03:47:31 +0000
Cliff via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> This is a great feature where we lack a really solid IDE 
> experience (which would have intellisense and auto-completion 
> that could be accurate and prevent such errors from occurring in 
> the first place.)  Otherwise it would probably be redundant.
i'm not using IDEs for more than a decade (heh, i'm using mcedit to
write code). yet this feature drives me mad: it trashes my terminal
with useless garbage output. it was *never* in help, there were no
moment when i looked at suggested identifier and thinked: "aha, THAT is
the bug!" but virtually each time i see usggestion i'm thinking: "oh,
well, i know. 'cmon, why don't you just shut up?!"

it's like colorizing the output, yet colorizing can be turned off, and
suggestions can't.

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