"Justin Johansson" <proc...@adam-dott-com.au> wrote in message 
> Can D people please recommend suitable tools for generating a parser (in 
> D) for an LL(1) grammar.  There's bound to be much better parser generator 
> tools available nowadays, since my last foray into this area 10+ years ago 
> with YACC.  I've heard of tools like bison, SableCC etc but apart from the 
> names know nothing about them.
> (Note.  This question is not about writing a parser for D.  It is about 
> writing a parser in D for another language which has an LL(1) grammar).
> Thanks in advance for all help.

If you can't find anything you like for LL and don't mind switching to LALR 
instead, I've recently released Goldie ( 
http://www.dsource.org/projects/goldie ) which works in conjunction with 
GOLD Parser Builder ( http://www.devincook.com/goldparser/ ). If you're 
familiar with GOLD, Goldie is a GOLD Engine for D. I do plan to add support 
for LL eventually, but that's kind of a ways off for now.

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