Hash: SHA1

Bill Baxter wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:46 PM, div0 <d...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Justin Johansson wrote:
>>> Can D people please recommend suitable tools for generating a parser (in D) 
>>> for an LL(1) grammar.  There's bound to be much better parser generator 
>>> tools available nowadays, since my last foray into this area 10+ years ago 
>>> with YACC.  I've heard of tools like bison, SableCC etc but apart from the 
>>> names know nothing about them.
>>> (Note.  This question is not about writing a parser for D.  It is about 
>>> writing a parser in D for another language which has an LL(1) grammar).
>>> Thanks in advance for all help.
>>> -- Justin Johansson
>> I've ported boost::spirit to d. No idea if it does what you want,
>> but I've written some fairly complicated grammars with it.
>> It's not a tool though, you just define your grammar directly in code.
>> Which is either a plus or a minus depending on your point of view.
>> Quick intro:
>> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/spirit/classic/index.html
>> And D implementation:
>> http://www.sstk.co.uk/spiritd.php
> I'm not seeing the powershell script or test app in that .zip file.
> I don't really need it, I was just curious what the syntax looked like
> without any operator overloading.
> --bb

Their both in the top level bit of the zip, build.ps1 & test0.d
I've gone for template factory functions at the moment,
it's quick and dirty:

> rT    values = rT.create(
>         or(
>             or(
>                 or(
>                     or(parseReal, boolVal[&_outer.gotBool]),
>                     parseInt
>                 ),
>                 stringVal[&_outer.gotString]
>             ),
>             arrayValues
>         ));
> rT    fieldName = rT.create(
>         lexemeD[
>             seq(
>                 or(alphaP, chP!(chT)('_')),
>                 star(or(alnumP, chP!(chT)('_')))
>             )
>         ]);
> rT    field = rT.create(
>         seq(
>             seq(fieldName[&_outer.gotFieldName], chP!(chT)(':')),
>             values
>         ));

One day I may write a something to generate the grammar from a string
but I've got way too much other stuff to do at the mo, so that's a low

- --
My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.
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