Justin Johansson wrote:
> Can D people please recommend suitable tools for generating a parser (in D) 
> for an LL(1) grammar.  There's bound to be much better parser generator tools 
> available nowadays, since my last foray into this area 10+ years ago with 
> YACC.  I've heard of tools like bison, SableCC etc but apart from the names 
> know nothing about them.
> (Note.  This question is not about writing a parser for D.  It is about 
> writing a parser in D for another language which has an LL(1) grammar).
> Thanks in advance for all help.
> -- Justin Johansson

In a completely different vein, tools.rd is a simplicistic recursive descent 
parser framework implemented at compiletime that I've used for most/all of my 
toy languages. It keeps things trivial - there's no lexing stage, it parses 
straight from input string. It's not that well documented, but if you want, 
give me a simple language description and I can write you a sample parser. It's 
probably the easiest to use though - just mix it in from D code :)

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